The Kittens Follows Man Home From Café And Decides He's Her Dad Now

The kittens soon learned that Akwan and his girlfriend were easy targets for treats.

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Basil Akwan can often be found working on his laptop at a café in Kuwait. He and his girlfriend love the lively atmosphere and spending time outdoors, and they weren't alone.

Two stray kitten sisters also frequented the café, finding comfort in its cozy chairs for napping and seeking shelter under the awning from the sun and rain.

"We would often see them together, waiting in their usual spot for us to arrive, even on rainy days," Akwan shared. "They would sneak onto the table for food and affectionate cuddles."

One of the strays, Sophie, formed a strong bond with Akwan and would accompany him to his car. It was evident that she longed to go home with him, often hopping inside whenever he allowed it.

Unable to bear leaving her behind, Akwan made the decision to rescue Sophie, while his girlfriend adopted her sister.

After four months of Sophie joining Akwan on his car trips, the two have developed a seamless bond. "She's incredibly playful," Akwan shared. "I constantly get her new toys, and the best part is that she has adapted to my routines, including sleep."

Now, Sophie is the final sight Akwan beholds at night and the first one he sees in the morning. While he may have rescued her, Akwan is grateful every single day that Sophie selected him as her father.

"It's truly a fulfilling bond," Akwan expressed. "Experiencing such unwavering affection is invaluable, and the knowledge that I return each day to this adorable bundle of fur brightens my every moment."

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