Stray Kitten Makes The Gorgeous Transformation After Finding Someone To Love Her

A year back, Nur Hamizah Had was in her Malaysian backyard when she noticed a clump of white fur beneath her vehicle.

As she stooped down for a better view, she was taken aback by the sight of a frail kitten.

The petite feline was nothing but a bundle of skin and bones, plagued by sores, filthy, and almost completely hairless. A repulsive odor emanated from her, yet Hamizah Had couldn't avert her gaze.

"She appeared immensely destitute, pleading for my assistance," shared Hamizah Had. "The first time I laid eyes on her, I was profoundly moved. I made a personal vow, 'If she can endure, I will nurture her and cherish her with all my heart.'"

Although the kitten appeared too frail to endure, there was a spark in her sizable yellow eyes that conveyed resilience to Hamizah Had. Prompted by this, Hamizah Had fetched a cardboard box and positioned it before the kitten. To her astonishment, the kitten stepped right in and settled down.

Hamizah Had ushered the kitten indoors and bestowed upon her the name Meimei.

The following day, she transported Meimei to the veterinarian and acquired guidance on aiding her recuperation. Weighing merely 4 pounds, the kitten bore open sores requiring treatment, along with other dermatological concerns.

Yet, under the nurturing and affectionate care of Hamizah Had, Meimei's visage embarked on a transformation.

She commenced devouring her meals.

Her fur grew back.

In a mere span of five months, the unkempt little stray metamorphosed into a robust, voluminous girl.

Meimei currently tips the scales at more than 13 pounds and relishes her existence as an indoor feline.

"She delights in her meals, slumber, and frolic within my abode," expressed Hamizah Had. "However, if she encounters an unfamiliar face, she swiftly scampers away, seeking refuge."

Hamizah Had perpetually finds joy in assisting distressed felines, and she aspires for Meimei's metamorphosis to serve as a testament that every stray cat has the potential to evolve into royalty, provided they receive a sprinkle of affection.

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