Meet The Handsome Cat With FIV Who Was Rescued From The Streets, Abandoned And Alone, And Found A Loving Home!

A senior cat had been diagnosed with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and had been found in dire condition by some community cat caregivers. According to the post, the cat was emaciated, covered in blood and wounds, and was on the verge of dying. Anna distinctly remembers the post because it had a profound impact on her.

Upon arriving at the Indianapolis animal clinic, the grey and white feline, who was malnourished and injured, was immediately examined by veterinarians. They discovered that he had likely been attacked by another animal due to fresh bite marks. Additionally, the feline had two previous fractures in his leg and jaw that had healed improperly.

He’d sustained severe injuries to his head, so he had surgery to remove one of his eyes and one of his ears when doctors determined they couldn’t be saved. This handsome senior cat — who doctors estimated was approximately 10 years old when he was rescued — spent a few months in foster care recovering from the surgeries until March 2022 when FACE published the Facebook post that captured Anna’s attention. “I instantly fell in love with him reading the post,” says Anna, “so I emailed the adoption coordinator and expressed my interest in adopting him.”

Anna initially felt disappointed upon learning that the senior cat had already been adopted by someone else, and was even more disheartened to find out a few days later that he had been returned to the rescue. "I was really sad, but I hoped that he would find a better home," says Anna. However, her luck soon changed when the adoption coordinator contacted her and asked if she would like to meet him.

Upon arriving at the rescue center, Anna finally got to meet the senior cat in person. Although the cat was initially nervous and hesitant, Anna quickly bonded with him as he eventually fell asleep in her arms. Despite the cat's traumatic experiences, Anna could sense a gentle and affectionate personality that convinced her that he was the perfect companion for her.

Anna adopted the 10-year-old cat on March 14, 20122, and she named him Walter but affectionately referred to him as Wally. Anna named him Walter as a tribute to Walt Disney, as she named all of her pets after Disney characters. She felt that a more dignified name would suit this senior cat after meeting him.

That night, Anna — with the help of her mom — gave Wally a thorough cleaning with cat grooming wipes, removing a lot of the dirt that still clung to his coat from his time living on the streets. “He was so cooperative and didn’t protest at all,” says Anna. “I think he knew I was trying to help him feel better.” While Wally seemed to know that Anna was there to protect him and care for him, he didn’t immediately settle into his new home in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Wally's transition to his new home was not without challenges. During the first two nights, he had trouble using the litter box and ended up urinating outside of it. Anna later realized that his physical injuries were making it difficult for him to jump in and out of the box. To address this issue, she came up with a solution to modify the box, adding wooden steps to help him get in and out of it easily. This modification has been successful, and Wally has not had any accidents since then.

In addition to the modified litter box, Anna also set it upstairs next to her bed to make it easier for Wally to climb up and down on his own. She even reached out to the rescue to see if amputating Wally's injured limb would make him happier. However, the rescue advised against it as they believed it would be more difficult for Wally to adjust to an amputation at his age. Although Wally still has a slight limp, he doesn't appear to be in significant pain, so Anna and the experts have concluded that it's best for him not to have his injured leg amputated.

Anna provides additional care for Wally due to his FIV and his injuries. She helps him with his meals as he has difficulty chewing food with chunks and sometimes wipes away discharge from his eyes.

Anna is willing to make any necessary adjustments to take care of Wally, despite the challenges that come with his age and health issues. She understands that Wally has experienced trauma in his past, and she is committed to providing him with a loving and comfortable home. According to Anna, the extra effort required to care for Wally is not a burden but a labor of love, and she feels fulfilled knowing that she can provide him with the care and attention he deserves.

Fortunately, Wally has found a caretaker in Anna who is willing to hold his plate in place to ensure he can finish his meals, which is one of his favorite things to do. Anna says that Wally will meow for his food when he knows it's time and will follow her around until she sets his plate down. When Wally isn't eating, he enjoys spending time with Harvey, a cute tabby and white cat with special needs who Anna recently adopted.

Anna has noticed that the senior cat, Wally, trusts her more when she rubs his belly, which is his favorite activity aside from eating. Anna believes that animals that have experienced trauma, like Wally, may have some sort of post-traumatic stress syndrome. She is happy to see the incredible progress Wally has made since he joined her, and he is becoming more trusting every day.

It’s been approximately six weeks since Anna adopted Wally, and this handsome senior is still settling into his new home and learning to trust his new family of people and animals. Thankfully, Anna — who has been inspired by Harvey and Wally to eventually open a sanctuary for special needs cats — is more than willing to give him the time, patience, and love he needs to feel at ease.

“I personally have PTSD, so I can relate to needing someone to be patient with me because progress can be super slow,” explains Anna. “I had my mom who never gave up on me, and I’m not going to give up on Wally.”

Anna empathizes with Wally's slow progress in adjusting to his new environment as she herself suffers from PTSD. She believes that it is important to have someone who is patient and willing to never give up on you, just like her mother who supported her through her struggles. Anna is committed to being that support for Wally and will continue to show him the love and patience he needs.

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