Man Saves Kitten Of The Road, Then Gets ‘Ambushed’ By 12 More Kittens

This might be the most adorable 'ambush' ever.

It started out as a normal day for Robert Brantley, who was heading to the shooting range after work when he spotted a black and white kitten in the grass on the side of the road.

Brantley said he knew the tiny animal "wouldn't make it through the night" since it was obviously very young.

"The wife has been wanting a cat for the farm; figured I'd stop and rescue the thing," he wrote.

Brantley backed up his vehicle and began recording a video on his cell phone, expecting to capture just one kitten.

As he grabbed the little one, which was barely bigger than his hand, six more kittens came bounding out of the grass toward him.

"Oh my gosh, there's more!" Brantley could be heard exclaiming. "I can't take you all!"

As the meowing kittens begin surrounding him, even more, can be seen running out of the wooded area toward Brantley, which he described as getting "ambushed [by] the mob."

"We've got a kitten problem!" he said. "Who would do this?"

By the end of the video, he resigns himself to the fact that he will be rescuing them all.

"I thought I was saving one. Hot diggety dog!" Brantley sighs.

A second video shows what happened once he managed to wrangle all the kittens into his car.

"I couldn't keep up with them as I would throw one in and 2 would jump out," he wrote. "So I had to close the door with the window down and funnel them in."

Since posting the videos to his Facebook page, they have gone viral, with thousands praising him for saving the litter. He has been asking his followers for advice on how to care for them as he works on finding homes for them.

The kittens are being fed well, getting much-needed baths, and have been enjoying playing around his house.

However, Brantley says his family plans on keeping the very first kitten that he had stopped to rescue originally – and they've already named him "Scout."

Watch their rescue in the video below:

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