Kitten Care For Beginners: Everything You Need to Know

Have you recently been thinking of adopting or are you looking to bring a new cat into your home? Those will be great emotions! There's nothing cuter than the meowing of a fluffy kitten or the soft purr of a new feline friend. Surely you need the necessary information to adopt a kitten. However, if you are new to raising a cat for the first time, you may be wondering how to best care for a kitten. Well, if that’s the case, then we have prepared a helpful guide for you!

#1.Beds and hiding location

Cute cats, especially kittens, need quite a few hours of sleep in a day. It is important for their proper development that you make sure that no one disturbs them during sleep time.

Kittens need a warm and comfortable bed where they can feel safe and at the same time have control over their surroundings. Some furry cats like to sleep in an inconspicuous place, under a bed or in a closet.

#2. Food and drink

When choosing kitten food, you may feel confused because there are so many options out there. In short, you should choose a complete dry food and a complete wet food appropriate for your cat's life stage: growing if kitten, adult, etc.

A general recommendation is to provide about 50-66% wet food and 50-33% dry food, divided into small but frequent meals

Feeding your child the same foods that he or she is eating for a few days and gradually weaning off the diet we have decided is a safe option to avoid gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea. run. It's also a way to make the adjustment process smoother so that our cat stays familiar in the midst of so many changes.

Cats are not good at drinking water, but we need to give them water to drink at all times. To encourage them to drink, we should separate water from food and other sources like litter boxes, bedding, etc. Alternatively, you can provide a cat drinker to provide clean water for 2 long days because clean water tends to be more appealing to cats.

#3. Litter box

One of the good parts of owning a cat versus a dog is that they are easily trainable to use a litter box indoors, so we don't need to walk them three times a day.

Many kittens are litter box trained before going to their new homes, but of course, you need to be patient with them if they have some accidents in the house. To make sure that the kitten uses the litter box in your home, it is advisable to use the same kind of litter that s/he was using before and try to change it progressively if we want to use a different substrate.

Locating the litter box in a quiet, safe zone is crucial for the cat to use it. At the same time, this zone should be far away from food, water, beds, etc.

#4. Toys

Cats and especially young kittens have a great need to play. You need to ensure that s/he has the opportunity to play alone and with us, using appropriate toys and avoiding common mistakes such as using our hands to play with them. You should offer a few different toys and keep rotating them to prevent boringness. If you are away from home most of the time, a suitable option for your new cat could be automatic, interactive cat balls toys like Cheerble ball or Ice cream ball, to entertain your cat to play while you’re away.

#5. Scratcher post

If you never had a cat, you might be wondering if all cats need a scratcher post or how to choose it.

The reality is that scratching is necessary for the cat's welfare. All the cats should have the opportunity to scratch safely. And if you don't provide a suitable location, they will find one, which might not be ideal for us. So, to prevent undesired scratching from the first day, you need to have a large and sturdy scratcher post in your home, located in a busy, visual location, where the cat and the family spend time, in this matter, the cat going to and decide what s/he prefers!

#6. Preventive care

Taking care of your cat's health is essential. Vets will give your crucial information about cats, and kittens, the timing for vaccinations, parasite control, etc.

Some cats might need an adaptation period in your home before their first visit to the vet, while some others might need nearly-immediate attention if they are ill or they have parasites. Each cat and situation is different, and your vet will give you wise, personalized advice.

#7. Training

Are you surprised about this? Cats can be trained! And your should train them to make your (and their) lives easier and better. You are not talking about teaching them funny tricks (which you can do if your want to), you are talking about training them to use the cat carrier, to accept their claws trimmed, their coat brushed, and useful things that you are going to need during the rest of their lives.

Taking care of a kitten can be a rewarding experience, but it also comes with a lot of responsibility and joy. By following these tips, you can ensure that your furry friend stays healthy and happy. Remember to provide them with adequate food and water, spend time playing with them and groom them regularly, provide a safe habitat, and see the vet regularly to keep them feeling well. the best.

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